If you didn't know this about me by now, you've probably learned that I take a while to accomplish things. I just sent a thank you note to my parents this week for our graduation gifts. How sad is that?? I'm trying to get better...I think I just have a problem with prioritizing.
Anyway, the whole point of this post is to again promise that the pictures are coming. We'll see how that goes. We're having a few people over tomorrow afternoon so there's my motivation for cleaning!! Now I just have to remember to take the pictures. After reading what I just wrote, it sounds like we never clean our house. This is not true. Although my cleaning skills and routines don't match those of my mother, I think I do alright...
Because I can't give the pictures I promised, I guess I'll just give an update on life.
First, I have officially worked my first over 12-hour work day. It was quite an experience leaving for work at 7:30 and not getting home until 9 last night. We had things we had to get done by today so we worked really really late. Surprisingly, the time went by quickly because we were so busy. I was so busy again today that I didn't realize I hadn't eaten lunch until 3:00 and by then I didn't care. Luckily I got to come home at about 5:30 today because I got everything done.
Second, we went out to eat, just the two of us, for the first time in a while. When I got home tonight I was quite hungry but I really didn't feel like cooking. I asked Shane to make some dinner...and next thing I knew we were deciding on what restaurant to go to. I like it when Shane cooks! We went to Uncle Sam's. For all of you non-Arizonians (or non-North Phoenixers for that matter) Shane says it's like the Hire's for their area. We had fried zucchini and cheesesteak sandwiches. Healthy, huh?
Lucky for Shane, the Diamondbacks have been able to fill the void in his life created by my work schedule. It seems like there's always a game to watch. As I write this, he's hoping the dbacks will pull ahead...
Shane's liking his new job. His boss got back in town this week so he's had more work to do. He mentioned that he'll have a project to work on next week so that's exciting for him. In other news, whenever his boss discusses the future, he mentions "you three" meaning Shane, the girl he's replacing while she's having her baby, and this other guy. This means they are serious about keeping him on even after the girl comes back from having her baby. As you can see, I haven't had the opportunity to learn the names of Shane's coworkers. I just know them by certain attributes right now.
I don't have any funny stories to share this week. Maybe I'm just too tired to think of them, so if I do, I'll be sure to post them.
There isn't much else to tell right now. Oh, we did get cornered in our new ward... In between meetings the other week, a member of the bishopric stopped to say hi to me. This wasn't so unusual, except he showed quite an interest in how life was going and how work was going. Then I noticed that he was hovering and watching Shane talking to someone. As soon as Shane finished he put his hands on both of our shoulders and again asked how we were doing.... That's when we knew we'd been caught. We're speaking next Sunday. This should be an adventure! We made it 2 years in our BYU ward without having to speak at all, but we only lasted 4 months here. Oh well, it'll be good for us I guess. I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm leaving for LA (again) on Sunday for a little bit more training. It'll be nice to understand the theory behind what I've been doing for the last two weeks. Shane gets another week as a bachelor. Hopefully there'll be some more games for him to watch while I'm gone.
I realize I write a novel every time I write, but I've decided you all enjoy reading this. I mean, who wouldn't? I figure if I only write once a week, I should make it worth my time. So, I hope you enjoyed this and I'll try and take the pictures tomorrow!!