Tuesday, January 20, 2009

...and we're back!!

I know, the title makes it sound like we went somewhere. I guess we technically did for Thanksgiving, but really I have no excuse for not updating my blog (except, in my defense, I did warn everyone that I would be slacking with the post I made here). I did have a lot of vacation time and work has slowed down (somewhat) so I really have no excuse now.

That being said, I don't really have access to my pictures (I'm on my work computer) and I don't have time to write anything just yet (I'm at work). But since Shane's in the Young Men's presidency now, I'll have plenty of time while he's gone on Wednesday night and all of this weekend! Stay tuned folks...I'll be back soon (hopefully).


Amy said...

It's about dang time:) Glad you're back!

Jessica said...

Thanks Amy... This post was just for you!

Megan said...

Yay! I check your blog often and was excited to see you back in action!!!