Tuesday, September 29, 2009

30 Weeks!

Today we graduated to 30 weeks...and we only have 70 days left! We also got to have our final ultrasound today just to check on his growth and position. As always, he tucked himself into a little pocket and covered his face, but the tech was able to get some decent 3D pictures of his face.
This is what he did the whole time...hands in his face...

She snapped this one when he moved his hand. If you look carefully you can see that his eyes are open!

Another peek at his little face...
...and one more showing his chubby cheek and his profile (I think he got my chin...)

All in all things are looking good... His head is down and is still measuring larger (it measured at 31 weeks, 1 day in diameter and 32 weeks, 1 day in circumference) and his legs are almost catching up (only 3 days behind at 29 weeks, 4 days). Overall, they say he's about 3 lbs, 11 oz. and is in the 73 percentile for size. After taking all the measurements, the machine adjusted the due date to December 2, but she said it doesn't really mean anything after the 18th week because babies grow differently. We're excited to meet him whenever he decides to come!

In other news, we finally put the nursery together! That'll be our next post...along with a post on our family trip. Stay tuned!


Ashlee Hatch said...

Look at those cute chubby cheeks!! :)

Megan said...

I definitely can see your chin (and cheeks from baby photos) in his little face! It's so exciting! I am so excited that you posted, wahoo! I can't believe the time has flown by so fast, does it feel fast to you guys? I am really looking forward to the nursery and family trip update!

jessie j. said...

The pictures are amazing! I can tell he is going to be just adorable Jess and I can't wait!

Meghan and Randy said...

Congratulations!! Oh by the way, this is Meghan from Phoenix. Can't wait to see pictures when your boy comes!

Matt and Piper said...

It's getting so close, I'm so excited. It feels like everyone is having babies now. I love it.