This was quite a sad moment for us. Last night, Shane tried to put Dylan in one of his roomier sets of newborn pajamas. Sadly, Dylan refused to go to sleep since they were so tight he really couldn't move much...(once changed, he fell fast asleep). It's hard to believe that he's changed that much from the little tiny baby that we brought home just 6 weeks ago!
Luckily, before she left, Grammie Jen bought Dylan a set of his favorite pajamas (his dinosaur ones seen in the picture below) in 0-3 months size as well! At least we have a little bit of crossover to help us through the transition...
In other ways we're glad our little boy is growing up. He's definitely starting to notice us more. He still hasn't quite mastered smiling (although I think I got one mini smile out of him this morning), but he will occasionally stick his tongue out at us if we show him ours first...that's progress, right?
And best of all, our little boy is figuring out the difference between night and day! That's right, last night after he ate at 10:45 he slept until 5:00 AM!! That's 6 hours of sleeping with no need for parental intervention. Sadly, I woke up at 3:00 on my own to some of his sleep noises and waited for them to turn into crying...and ended up waiting until about 4:30. Needless to say, I didn't get as much sleep as I could have, but at least now I know to ignore him until I hear genuine crying. I realize this has only happened once so I'm not expecting it again tonight, but at least it reminds me that eventually I will get more than 2 continuous hours of sleep...
In other news, Dylan had an awesome weekend with his friends Carly, Natalie, and Lahdan who just left today...but that'll be a post of its own soon.
1 comment:
So I was holding Dylan on Saturday when he fell asleep...and I'm pretty sure he had a half-smile on his face as I laid him down on Tom and Ashley's bed. It was so cute! :)
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