Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daily Dylan

Here are this week's Daily Dylan pictures. Shane forwards his daily pictures to a few coworkers and this week they got a special treat: a real-life Dylan visit on Friday. He was the center of attention in the lunch room!

March 7 {You can't see it, but his shirt is collared...his cheeks just cover it all}

March 8

March 9

March 10

March 11

March 12

Today Dylan is wearing a very cute outfit, but Shane has the camera with him on his hike so it'll have to be included in next week's post. Instead, here's a video of Dylan's attempt at laughter. Sadly, he usually only laughs when he's close to nap/bed-time, so he probably only does it because he's delirious and it eventually leads to crying, but it's so cute!

{I apologize for the angle and movement of the camera. I was holding it off to the side because he usually gets so distracted by it}

P.S. Thanks for all the responses to my last post. We still haven't had any luck with him taking a bottle... On Wednesday night he chose to cry from 6:00 to 8:30 instead of taking his bottle (he hadn't eaten since 3:15!). We've tried a faster nipple, different times of day, and even Grandma!! Hopefully this is just a phase, so we'll keep trying.

We think the evening crying is due to him being overtired because his naps are so short (40 minutes max if he's in his crib). So the last few days I've held him for at least 15 minutes when he first falls asleep and then I put him in his boppy pillow and he usually ends up taking a 2 hour nap. The first evening after at least on 2-hour nap he was quite pleasant, although yesterday he had two 2-hour naps and he was still fussy. I think he has a hard time deciding if he wants to be awake or asleep so he just cries...and then stops for a while and is quite pleasant...and then cries some more. Oh, and I realize I'm going to eventually have to deal with the napping situation since no day care is going to hold him for 20 minutes while he falls into a deep sleep and then set him gently on his boppy pillow, but I decided to start with a well-rested baby instead of a sleep-deprived one.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Two other thoughts on the bottle problem: 1. Maybe try using a different size nipple? Not just a different flow nipple, but actually a different size and shape.
2. He could possibly have an ear infection. Even without having a fever, sometimes not taking the bottle but breast feeding okay can mean an ear infection.