Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blog slacker

Sorry folks... I've been quite a blog slacker lately. Life's been kind of crazy with lots of work travel for me and Shane in June, lots of visitors and fun travel in July, and lots of work for me. But I do have lots of posts planned. Sadly, we left our camera in San Diego this weekend (during one of our fun travels) and are waiting for it to be mailed to us...so most of the posts will have to wait as most of the related pictures are on the camera (and, really, who wants a blog post without pictures??).

So for now, just be content to know that I haven't forgotten about the blog...and here's a little sneak preview of things to come:

Funny faces

A growing boy (he's alreayd 8 months old!)
Fun at Bear Lake Family reunion Exploring new toys (a.k.a. awesome parenting) Exploring outdoors (where it's not 100+ degrees) Fun at Grammie's house

So stay tuned and don't give up on me yet...


Megan said...

I that little boy for real?? He is SO adorable! He needs to come over and play!!! He really is SO cute!

Megan said...

I have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for a new post! I was like, what happened to my friend? Dylan just keeps on getting more adorable! I can't believe he is 8 months already! Wowza. Oh and you best be putting up the pictures I sent you from my trip out there :)

Tricia L said...

He is so stinkin cute! Update some more! I miss you!