Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Home again, home again...

Well, we are now officially home from all of our summer vacations! We got back from Hawaii last Wednesday morning (after another overnight flight that we didn't sleep on) and were able to spend two days in Salt Lake with my family. We also got to see a few friends that we hadn't seen in a while which was good.

We headed up to Logan on Friday morning for a luncheon for Shane's cousin's wedding. We spent Friday and Saturday helping set up for the wedding and spending time with all of Shane's family that we haven't seen in a while as well. Then we came back home with Shane's dad on Sunday.

I must say we've enjoyed this summer a ton! It was a great way to celebrate before the real world of work begins. As we were heading home on Sunday, Shane and I realized that because of our trips, babysitting, and moving we've been living out of a suitcase since August 5th!! It's nice to be back at our house, but there's plenty of work to do around there until we're completely moved in.

That's an update for now. We're working on getting internet to our house this week so I don't have to keep mooching off of Shane's family members. Once that's set up, I'll post all of our pictures...like I've been promising for over a month!!

This time I mean it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica where are you two living? Glad you had fun in Hawaii-we go this Christmas!-Lisa