A couple weeks ago, Mom took me on my first plane ride to Salt Lake to visit my Grammie and Grampie. I was so good on the plane ride! Mom fed me during take-off, then I slept for a little bit, woke up and smiled for the people around me, and then fell back asleep for landing! Woohoo! Here I am on the plane... Mom had a hard time holding me and taking the picture:
When we got there I was a little grumpy because I didn't get much sleep the night before and my naps were all off, but Grampie was so nice and still played with me even though I would fuss. He even sat outside with me for long periods of time to calm me down:
My first night there, we celebrated Aunt Jessie's birthday and got to watch her and cousin Vera dance around for us. We had yummy fruit pizza instead of birthday cake (well, everyone else had fruit pizza...):
The next night, lots and lots of people stopped by to visit me and Mom. They started rolling in around 4:30 and kept coming even after I was in bed! It was nice having so many people willing to hold me since I was still a little fussy... Look at all these people (and these are only the ones who were in the pictures...there were more!):
The rest of the week, I spent time with my cousins. Cousin Vera loved helping to take care of me and holding my hands. She also would remind me not to suck my fingers. Cousin Reuben would get so excited when I was down on the floor with him. He really liked to touch my face and I'd let him, but our Moms kept stopping him...
I got to see snow... Mom even made me hold some, which I really didn't like:
I went for walks in the cool air and got to use my super-cool sweatshirt:
I got my picture taken...a lot! Mom loved Grammie's awesome camera so she would snap pictures of me all day long. These are from a shoot that lasted all morning (yes, all in one morning). There were a total of 47 pictures by the time she was done:
I also spent lots of time with my Grammie. She makes me so happy! We have lots of videos of her making me laugh and laugh and laugh. I just think she's the funniest person I know!
I also got to try peas for the first time...and I loved them! Eventually I couldn't get enough of them. I'd lean forward for each bite and get antsy in between. Needless to say, I made a bit of a mess:
The last day we were there, Mom went out with her friends so I could have some alone time with Grammie. She went to a yummy dinner and then decorated some Tax Day cookies with her friend Natalie. If you ask me, I think they're all a bit crazy...
For the flight home I was just as good. I ate on take-off, slept for a while, smiled and cooed at the man next to me, then sucked my binky nicely for landing. No problems!!
The day after we got back, I got to play with my cousin Jack all day long! He tried to beat up on me, but since I'm so big and tough his punches didn't bother me one bit...
I'm also learning how to grab things (and put them in my mouth, of course). I especially like my stuffed animals because they're so big and easy to grab:
We've also discovered that I must be allergic to rice cereal. The last two times I've eaten it, I've done this to Mom two hours later. We're going to experiment once more in a little while just to be sure it's the rice cereal, but we'll be better prepared for the possible result:
Other than that, I've just been working on being a cute little boy:
Thanks for reading. If you made it this far, you must really be my friend!!
P.S. I start day care this week... Wish me luck!
I'm so impressed you already know how to use a computer! great pics!
Job well done Dylan! Tell your mom I want copies of the photos we took. Love and miss you.
Dylan, I'm very happy to report that you got your parent's wit. You're so clever and funny! Thanks for updating the blog, your mom was a real slacker ;) Good luck at day care, I know it will be hard at first to be away from mommy, but trust me you'll make friends there and eventually love getting to play with them! It was so fun for me to finally meet you. You are such a cute little boy! I love you. Tell your mom and dad hi for me, and that I miss you all!
PS-I'll be seeing you in person in a little over a month!
Man, Jack is so mean. I can't believe his parents let him hit people!
Dylan, Olivia misses you, you need to come and play with her. ps liv didn't like rice either, we did oatmeal cereal only.
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