Friday, June 4, 2010

6 months!

Can you believe our little Dylan is 6 months old?? Well he of Wednesday. I meant to post on his actual 6-month birthday, but his doctor's appointment wasn't until Thursday and Shane's been out of town so life's been a bit hectic. Enough with the excuses, here's a picture of our 6-month-old man:

He had his 6-month check-up and we got new growth stats:

Height: 26.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz (90th percentile)
Head: 44 cm (50th percentile)

It's crazy to think our boy has grown 6 inches (and gained almost 13 pounds) since he was born. Here are a few other updates on Dylan's life:

- He learned to roll over! He can roll from his stomach to his back...and does so quite frequently. Let's just say tummy time is very short lived these days (I've included a video below if you'd like to watch the magic).

- He's working on sitting up. He recognizes when he's falling off balance and tries to fix it, but most times he still ends up falling over, but that's an improvement from the days where he'd just fold in half rather than hold himself up.

- He's back on solid foods. We waited a few weeks to get all the rice cereal out of his system and started him back on just fruits and veggies for now. So far he's loved everything we've given him...and he always acts like he wants more.

- He sleeps through the night (for real this time). In the past he's given us spurts of all-night sleep, but he's now very consistent. He goes to bed around 7 or 7:30 and sleeps until at least 5:30.

- He's learned to fall asleep on his own at bedtime and for naps, and he takes three longer naps (1-3 hours) instead of six 40-minute catnaps (thank goodness).

- He knows how to control his hands, which means he grabs at anything and everything he sees. This includes the pigtails of a little girl at day care, the lip of Shane's parents' dog (luckily she just sat there nicely until Shane's mom rescued her), and anything electronic. One of his favorite things to grab are his feet.

- We think he's working on some teeth. He has four little marks showing on the his bottom gums but nothing has broken through yet. Instead we've been graced with low-grade fevers, lots of drool, and an occasionally fussy baby.

- He's so much more alert now. I can see him studying things...the way I eat my cereal, a fan on low speed, his own hand and fingers. It's amazing to see his little brain processing what he's seeing.

- Dylan LOVES water...well, warm water. He gets excited whenever he hears water running, and especially if he can see the water is running into the bathtub. He loves to try and grab the water as I pour it onto him in the bath. He didn't love his first swimming experience, however... The water was a little too cold still so he only lasted about 30 seconds. He did enjoy watching his cousins swim though. We'll try again when the pool is a little warmer.

- He loves his stuffed alligator. He really likes to chew on it's mouth (which makes it nice and crusty) and he squeals with delight when we make the alligator fly and dance over his head.

- He LOVES to dance, especially if he's up on Shane's shoulders. Once you get him moving he grins, laughs, and squeals.

Well, I think that's enough about the boy for now... But first, here are some updated pictures and a video:

{Click for larger}


Megan said...

He is so stinkin cute!!!! It was so fun to see him yesterday!

Megan said...

So, so cute! I loved the video, thanks for posting! You are such a good mommy, Jess! I'm super excited to see you guys, like 3 days away!!