Monday, September 20, 2010

9 (and a half) months!!

I can't believe Dylan is already 9 months old!! Because we were traveling the day he actually turned 9 months (more on that later), I didn't get a picture of him. Instead, here are some pictures of him at 9.5 months and almost 9 months:

...apparently we don't like to put clothes on him. But who can blame us in this heat? Anyway, onto Dylan updates...

First, from the doctor, his 9 month stats:

Height: 28 inches (50%)
Weight: 22 lbs (75%)
Head: Exact measurement is in Shane's car (50%)

That's right, our little boy is thinning out!! He's dropped from off the charts in weight at 2 months, to 98% at 4 months, 95% at 6 months, and 75% at 9 months...just as the doctor predicted he would. I guess he just wanted to gain it all at once.

Other Dylan updates since we last reported on him:
  • He got a new babysitter. He loved his old one, but she had to shut down due to landlord issues... We found a great replacement. Dylan even reaches for her when we drop him off. She's that good.
  • He learned to move around. I wouldn't call what he does "crawling" just yet, but he can get where he needs to. It's almost like a lopsided army crawl...or a lizard who can only move one half of his body. He's still figuring out the coordination of both arms and legs.
  • He discovered his reflection. He's always liked looking in mirrors, but now he LOVES it. I can sit him in front of my closet door (which is all mirror) and he'll sit there and press his hands up against the mirror for a good 15 minutes just exploring what he sees.
  • He still loves water. This is exciting and somewhat terrifying... He doesn't mind if we dump water over his head sometimes finds it funny. But he also isn't afraid to stick his face down in the bath water (all 1 inch of it). Most of the time he's fine but sometimes he comes up sputtering. I'm worried for what next year's pool visits will bring...probably lots of stress for me.
  • His favorite sound to make is "dadada." I'm not sure if he really means Shane when he says it, but if I say "Where's Dada?" he looks all over the place to find Shane.
  • He loves to push the garage door button. It is now his official job every time we leave or come home. As soon as we walk out, he looks for the button and sticks out his little finger. I still have to help him actually push it sometimes, but it's so fun to see his little face light up when he realizes he made the door move.
  • He loves to people watch. He'll be super whiny at home, but if we take him out (to Costco, a church function, whatever) where there are other people to look at, he's a happy camper. Also, at day care he has to be near the other three children or the babysitter to be happy. If the kids leave the room, he wants to follow.
  • He loves food. I actually think he's slowly self-weaning to food because he loves it so much. He'll eat pretty much anything we give him, but I can see preferences slowly developing. He's very interested in whatever we're eating, so we often give him tastes. The most surprising thing he's liked to date was a pickle... He kept reaching for it and whining so I finally gave him a taste, thinking he'd instantly dislike it, but he just kept sucking on it and trying to bite off a piece.
  • Speaking of biting...he still has no teeth. I thought this was strange but both his doctor and my dentist say it's actually better because his risk for cavities is lower the longer his teeth stay under his gums...
  • He's turned into an awesome sleeper and napper!! He goes to bed around 7 and sleeps until 6:30 or so and he takes two naps that are between 1.5 and 2 hours long. And we lay him down awake for all of these!! I honestly don't know how we got into such a good routine with him...but I'm so glad we have.
Okay, I think I'll stop. There's plenty more, but not things you want to hear. To end, here's a nice little collage of Dylan's life as of late:

{Click for larger}

More updates to come soon...

1 comment:

Megan said...

He is still as cute as ever! I love getting to hear about all that he is exploring and learning to love. It's so fun! It was great to see you both when you were out here, come visit more!