Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lean, mean, bus-riding machine

Today I rode the bus to work. When I first considered riding, I thought of the old UTA buses I'd ride downtown to visit my dad at work...but these buses are totally different. All of the seats face forward (like a charter bus) and each seat reclines and has its own light and air vent. It stops right by my house at a park and ride and goes all the way down the freeway to downtown without stopping. Plus, I get to read during my commute! I'm working my way back through the Twilight series in preparation for Breaking Dawn (I read Twilight on Saturday...I couldn't stop). I think I got off a little too early today (I walked about 4 blocks) so I might try the next stop tomorrow.

I got a free pass from work that lasts through 2011, so I decided to try it out. I'm a little wary to ride the bus to any of our client locations because I think I'd be riding the regular buses which may not be as reliable but it's awesome for riding to the office so I don't have to sit in traffic, pay for gas, and pay for parking (which is $5-$10 a day). Plus, it's a good excuse to leave work--most people won't keep you if you say you have to catch a bus.

Anyway, I'm planning to ride all week...it should be a fun, new experience.


Nat said...

I am proud of you and your efforts to save our earth. :)

Joleen said...

Any fun bus adventures to share with us? :)

Tricia L said...

wow...now that's exciting news! haha! How are ya? How'd your week of riding the bus go? I'm surprised you didn't update on that yet! ;) jk holla