Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day?

I hope you are all having a wonderful mother's day--spending time with the ones you love and expressing your appreciation for the wonderful women in your lives. I, however, am sitting at the airport....waiting for a plane that has now been delayed an hour, which means I'll probably miss my connection, which means I won't get to my final destination until 10 or so instead of 7:30...thanks American. It's bad enough that I have to spend my entire Sunday travelling, and all of this Saturday sitting in training, but now I have to waste my time sitting at the airport. Awesome.

Anyway, we did an accelerated Mother's Day this year. We took Shane's mom out to dinner last night and had a wonderful Skype celebration with my parents this morning. At least we were able to talk to both of them--I even got a present to my mom ON TIME! I'm sure she was proud that I finally learned to plan ahead.

Take some time to love your mothers today. I wish I could. Okay...I'm done feeling sorry for myself.

P.S. Still no ring... :(

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