Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A plea...

A plea to the little elf that snuck into our house Monday night and "moved" my wedding ring:
Please, please, please put it back where you found it tonight! We won't be mad and we won't try and catch you...we just want it back.

Confused? Let me explain the events of Monday afternoon and evening...

5:50 pm - Before cutting up the chicken for our shake 'n bake (yes, the most convenient way to produce fast, flavorful chicken), I remove my watch and rings (who wants chicken guts on their ring??). I place them in the far corner of the counter, near Shane's plant.

7:00 pm - Talk to my parents (not related to the story, just an event of the evening).

8:40 pm - I pull in the garage after working out. I notice that Shane left the garage open (weird). I press the button as I walk in the house (I swear the garage went down).

9:10 pm - We watch 24 with Hilary.

9:55 pm - As I'm putting together some things for our lunches, I look over at my watch/rings (still in the same place) and think to myself, "I wonder if I"ll remember that's where they are in the morning while I get ready... Of course I will! I'll see them while I eat breakfast." And I leave them where they are...

10:15 pm - Hilary leaves (apparently our garage door is wide open at this time...we have no idea).

11:00 pm - Off to bed...

1:30 am - I wake up (rare for me)...quick trip to the bano...back to sleep

5:00 am - Doorbell rings...Shane shuffles out of the room...doorbell rings again. Shane opens the door. I hear "Do you know your garage door is open?" I come out of the room to find out what's going on. Apparently a police officer has been called to our neighborhood after someone saw a "suspicious person" walking down an alley down the street. On his way out of our neighborhood (after not finding anyone), he noticed our garage door and wondered if maybe the "suspicious person" had opened it and wandered in (or just took advantage of the open door). Shane looks through the house and closes the garage door while the policeman searches our backyard. Nothing is found. We go back to bed (which means I lay wide awake staring out our open bedroom door to see if anyone walks by...yes, I'm paranoid).

7:20 am - While making breakfast, I reach for my watch/rings and notice my watch is in the exact same place I left it, but WHERE ARE MY RINGS?? I look at Shane to see if he's playing a joke (the first time he lost his wedding ring, he told his coworkers he thought I had hid it to teach him a lesson...). He promises he didn't do anything with it. We search for a bit, but both have to leave for work.

We have searched and searched and searched for the ring... we looked through the garbage, we put away all of the dishes that were drying on the counter, Shane felt around our garbage disposal, I crawled around the floor with a flashlight looking in and under everything it could've rolled under, we've looked in places that would've required me to put them there (for example, a bag of Boy Scout badges up on top of our entertainment center). We're still thinking of where they could've gone, but have no idea where else they could be.

Shane and his dad say there's no way the "suspicious person" could've wandered in our house, walked past everything that we had out (car keys, a computer bag, purse, TV, etc.) and only end up taking my ring (our kitchen is the farthest room away from our garage door). I just have no idea where else it could've gone... The only theory I have to explain the "suspicious person's" actions would be that our kitchen is the brightest room in our house at night (thanks to the wonderful orange KMart lights) so maybe my ring was the only thing he saw. The whole thought of someone being in my house (even if nothing actually happened) is quite terrifying. Last night I checked that the garage was closed 2 times before going to bed and locked the door from our garage into the house...

We haven't declared it completely lost yet, but I'm running out of places to look. Any suggestions?


Tam Tam said...

That's really scary. Maybe they did just take the rings because they figured you'd think you may have dropped them down the disposal, put them up with the boy scout badges. Rings are easy to misplace. As for purses....that's more obvious that they've been stolen. I'm sorry that happened and at least you two were safe. What you need is an alarm system...

Tricia L said...

Scary!! Courtney thought she lost her ring too. She couldn't find it for over a week and then one day she was walking down the stairs and a tiny glimmer caught her eye. She found the ring in the carpet between the wall and edge of carpet. I hope you find it! Luckily nothing else was taken, but that totally sucks! Tamir has a good point, the ring would be the least conspicuous thing to take but worth a a bunch of money. Maybe he was hungry and that why he went to the kitchen.

Nat said...

I would file a police report immediately and check all of your local pawn shops just to be safe(most likely place an intruder could re-sell them). Cops supposedly regularly check these places for stolen items. That way, if it is stolen you do have a police report filed for insurance claims and if you happen to find them you can rejoice! Sorry you have to go through such a sucky experience.

Ashlee Hatch said...

Ahh, Jessica...that really sucks! I'm so sorry that happened, and that's really creepy about the "suspicious person". And then your garage door always being open when you thought it was shut...that's strange. I really hope you find your ring.
I know this may sound ridiculous, but did you check Shane's plant?

Megan said...

Okay, I hate to be the advocate for the scary version, but you know me and I tend to be paranoid and think of scary things when everything is just fine, so I am gonna throw my opinion out there (shane can reassure you I am a crazy person later :)...So it sounds VERY odd to me that the garage door kept opening up, and then couple that with some "suspicisious person" (here on refered to as "sp") has a police called out for, and then your rings are gone... What I think could have happened is that maybe said "sp" noticed your open garage, took advantage of it, saw the bright lights in the kitchen, noticed the rings, took the rings, was gonna take more but heard you get up for the bathroom and/or heard a car drive by (aka police man) and/or heard the doorbell ring and got out of there really quick. Now I don't know the configuration of your house, so this may be implausible. Or "sp" was some random crazy person that entered your house, took no notice of the other things lying around, saw the rings from the light in your kitchen, thought, oh those are pretty, took them and left. Sometimes crazy people take crazy things and leave other expensive things as well. Like I said, I think of way too many scary things, and I watch way too much Law and Order SVU, so its quite possible I myself am just one crazy person who doesn't know what she is talking about.

Either way, that sounds VERY scary. I would still be freaking out. I recommend always locking the door from your house to your garage because thats how some crazy dude kidnapped my friend.

For the sake of thinking something reassuring lets say that a little elf did slip in and perhaps moved your rings to the inside the plant it is next to? OR did you move them when you got up to go to the bathroom? Cause sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I do things and don't even remember doing them.

I hope you are feeling better about this whole incident none-the-less. Even if "sp" didn't come into your house, it is still very scary to be woken up at 5 am by a police officer telling you your garage is open (and knowing that it had been opened randomly throughout the night already) and that there is a "sp" walking around. I feel for you, and I will be thinking good thoughts of you, and hopefully my paraniod mind didn't make the situation worse than it already is....
I'll pray you just moved your rings somewhere and find them soon!

Megan said...

Hey someone else suggested to check your plant too! I swear I didn't read that before my comment! And I like Nat's ideas as well. Oh yeah and you shouldn't vaccuum for a while just in case the ring fell on the floor somewhere, cause if you vacuum it up you will probably never know.

Jessica said...

Hmm... maybe I need to clarify. My mom seemed to think the garage door just kept opening randomly. What I really think happened is I just didn't push the button completely when I came in from working out (even though I SWEAR I heard it closing when I walked in my house...although I did have my iPod on ;).

Vacuuming isn't a problem...we have wood floors and tile through every room it could possibly be in and the plant doesn't have soil, it has rocks (think bonsai).

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm still hoping I randomly moved it without realizing it...

Amy said...

Oh My! I am so sorry. I think that you'll find them!
I lost my ring once. I prayed and prayed and then went and found it in Mason's toy box. But I remember how worried I was that it was lost forever.

Megan said...

Okay but it still doesn't really explain the garage being open in the middle of the night does it? Oh yeah and Sean said there is like no way someone would come in your house and steal JUST your rings, especially leaving the watch which was right next to them. I said, her watch probably isn't worth that much, and he said: robbers don't care. So if it makes you feel any better about "sp" Sean thinks he didn't come in your house, but that it is still scary none-the-less.

Jessica said...

That's Shane's reasoning too. But that means it's somewhere in my house and I still can't find it!! I'm still searching...maybe someday soon it'll appear.

Shane said...

Thankfully Sean is the only reasonable person on this post. If I broke into a house and was looking for something to take and saw some ring, next to a watch I would take it all. I would also put them in the D&B purse sitting right next to the table and just for fun would grab the computer bag on the way out. Thanks just me though and I don’t rob houses very often.

Megan said...

ha ha ha Shane made me laugh!! I knew you would side with Sean. But I guess there should be some logical people in a relationship to balance out the crazyness right? However, Jess is pretty logical too...she just has me for a crazy friend to indulge her partially scary thoughts, and believe me I will always indulge the crazy side of a story, cause thats what I think is always true!