Saturday, March 7, 2009

Family...and work

Today, we got to spend the day with the family. Our oldest nephew, Mason, was baptized. It's crazy that he's that old!! It was nice to see all the men in the family surrounding him while he was confirmed. It makes me happy to know that even though I'm not near my parents and brother, I have this wonderful family to be a part of. It also made me realize that I don't think I'd ever be able to live somewhere where we didn't have family nearby. I guess that means we're stuck with Phoenix and Salt Lake as our only options for now, which is fine with me!

So I've gotten some complaints regarding the long delays between my blog updates. Sadly, we don't always have funny or interesting things to share with the blogging world... If you really don't believe me, please visit this link. My coworkers and I read this last week, and honestly, this describes my working culture perfectly. If you don't have time to read the list in its entirety (I don't blame you, it's probably only funny to me), the ones nearest and dearest to my heart are:
  • 24. Softcopies: seriously, I beg my clients for things in electronic format
  • 20. The Pending List: you live and die by the open items list
  • 21. Ethernet Cables: I have 5 in my trunk (in a box full of supplies...)
  • 18. Instant Messaging: My wonderful coworker Ashley gets me through the day
  • 4. Excel Formulas: I never knew I'd actually be using VLOOKUP when I learned it in ISYS 201
While this post may seem ridiculously lame to you, this is my life. This is what happens when I blog about nothing. Enjoy!

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