Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. Yes I, being the wonderfully selfish daughter that I am, decided to get married on my dad's birthday (see above for details). Luckily, the fact that these two events fall on the same day hasn't quite caused any problems (except probably for the year we got married).

Here's a look back at that day 4 years ago. We got him a special cake and had everyone at the luncheon sing to him...

Then, when the two dates collided again 2 years later, we were fortunate enough to celebrate both events in Hawaii! If you look closely, you can see that one half of the cake has my dad's birthday candle, and the other half has little pictures of us on our wedding day...all compliments of my clever mother!

I looked through the pictures I have on my computer to find a cute picture of me and my dad to celebrate his day, but sadly all of those pictures must reside on my parents' computer. The only ones I have include both of us decked out in ski gear, so there's not much to see.

Regardless, I just want to say happy birthday to my dad and let him know that we were thinking of him yesterday (I even got him his present on time!). My dad is an awesome man and a good example. I've definitely learned a lot from him...and there's still more to learn! If only I learned to appreciate my parents' wisdom when I was younger...

Happy birthday, Dad! We love you!!

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