Dylan took a 3-week hiatus from church when he got sick. We wanted to be sure he was all better before we took him back and exposed him to all the sick children again... This week we decided he was good to go, so we dressed him in his new Sunday clothes. Then, we decided it'd be fun to take pictures with the boy since we have hundreds of pictures of just him and not very many of us with him...so we dressed to match:
{Dylan was ready for a nap by the time we got around to taking pictures, so we couldn't get any smiles out of him...}
Let's just say we were the cutest family at Stake Conference :)
This is completely unrelated, but not enough for it's own post. Today while playing a variation on peek-a-boo, Dylan decided he was done playing. Instead of responding with his huge grin (like he had been for the last 10 minutes) his mouth turned down slowly and his little lip poked out. Because I thought it was so adorable, I played a few more time so I could try and capture the face with my camera...
This one isn't quite as dramatic as the first face he made, but it's pretty close...
{If you click the picture and make it bigger, it's much more adorable :)}
You guys were for sure the cutest family at your stake conference! I LOVE the matching colors! And, Jess, you are looking so good! Love it, love it, love it!
You guys were for sure the cutest family at your stake conference! I LOVE the matching colors! And, Jess, you are looking so good! Love it, love it, love it!
I almost vomited from the cuteness. Job well done on dressing your adorable family. :)
Hi Jessica! What a little cutie you have. Cute pictures. I bet you're a great mama :)
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