Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 Weeks

It's hard to believe it, but our little boy is 5 weeks old today!! In some ways it feels like he's been a part of our family forever (maybe that's the sleepless nights talking), and in other ways the time has just flown by!

We had his 1 month appointment on Monday and got some update stats:

Height: 21.5 inches (+1 inch from birth)
Weight: 10 lbs 15 oz (+3 lbs .5 oz from birth and +2 lbs 11 oz from his 2 week appt--let's just say the kid isn't starving!!)

That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight, the 50th percentile for height, and the 25th percentile for head circumference (who would've thought Shane and I could possibly make a baby with a tiny head??)

All in all, he's a very mellow baby. He likes to nap and gets quite grumpy when he's tired (who does that sound like?)...and he really likes to eat. I think this boy would eat all day if I let him (thank goodness for pacifiers!!).

Here's an overview of his life since the last post:

He spent time monkeying around with his new friends

Took up baseball as a new hobby

Met Santa (obviously he was VERY excited for the occasion)

Met Grampie Jon

Starred as Baby Jesus in the Christmas Eve nativity

A close-up of his starring role (didn't you know Baby Jesus wore a baseball uniform as his swaddling clothes?)

He got all dressed up for Christmas morning...

...and made out like a bandit!! This was even after a few were opened, and there were more at Grandma's house later!

He spent Christmas day posing for pictures...

...and sleeping... the arms of anyone who would hold him (shortly after this picture he proceeded to pee all over Grandma's apron!)

He received a name and a blessing...

...and got all dressed up for the occasion.

Thanks Amy for the cute onesie--it was perfect!

He met his Richards cousins (and Uncle Jared and Aunt Jessie).

Said goodbye to Grammie Jen. As you can see, after 4 weeks with her, he was sad to see her go.

...and had his first sleepover at Jackie & Brad's for New Year's Eve!

It's crazy to think over a month has gone by, but for reference, here's a comparison of our little boy at 8 days old... him today, at 5 weeks old. Yep, that's the same bath sponge... Let's just say he's expanded a bit :)

I'm hoping to keep this blog about our whole family, and not just a baby blog...but honestly, right now, he is my life. Everything we do pretty much revolves around him...and most of my days are spent just like this:

(...and I don't mind a bit!!)


Unknown said...

What a hansom little boy! This is such a special time in your life.

Megan said...

He is such a handsome little stud! I am so glad you posted lots of pictures, you should continue to do that at a regular basis so I can watch him grow via the internet :) And he is a little chunker too, huh?! You must produce some creamy milk for him :) I'm so glad he is so healthy and happy and that you are all doing well. You look amazing, by-the-way, Jess!

EmmaTheJane said...

OH I LOVE HIM! thanks for all the pics. You look AMAZING. What the HECK!

Amy said...

I miss you Dylan.... oh and you too Shane and Jess