Monday, February 8, 2010

2 Month Stats

Does this look like the face of a sick little boy?

I didn't think so either. This is how Dylan woke up this morning after sleeping normally last night (Friday and Saturday nights consisted of waking/crying almost every hour, but last night he went back to his normal 1:30 & 4:30 wakings). He was so alert and so happy and his nasal congestion was significantly better. However, his breathing seemed a bit tighter, he was a little wheezy, and his cough still sounds bad (when he does cough, which isn't too often).

At the doctor today (for what was supposed to be his 2 month well-baby check up), I reported that he seemed to be feeling better...only to be told by the doctor that both of his ears are infected--something that has developed since Saturday--so his appointment turned into a sick visit and his shots were delayed until next week. The doctor was surprised that I reported he was so happy when his ears looked so bad, but I'm glad Dylan seems to be feeling better even if he isn't getting better. Hopefully the antibiotics will bring him back to 100 percent soon.

In other news, we got his 2-month stats at the beginning of the appointment. Here we go:

Height: 23 inches (50th percentile)
Head: 40 cm (50th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs, 13 oz (Off the charts...literally...meaning ABOVE the 100th percentile)

We're just glad our little boy seems to be growing and developing well and we can't wait for this cold to go away!


Tricia L said...

haha, that's awesome! And we thought Gavin was a big baby! Dylan totally smoked him! Isn't it so sad when they're sick? Poor little guy. I hope you gets better soon.

Megan said...

He definitely looks like he is feeilng better! What a trooper to have such a big smile and have two ear infections! I hope he starts feeling 100% soon. And, yeah, your baby is quite the healthy little chunker! He is SO adorable!