Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh dear...

This is what happens when Daddy is in charge of picking Dylan's clothes and the daily photo shoot:
{If you can't read it, the shirt says "Jack Bauer makes Chuck Norris cry." If you don't know who Jack Bauer is...well, Dylan can't be friends with you}

{Don't be too alarmed...that's an Airsoft gun that shoots little pellets. It's currently on loan to us to help with a little problem in our back yard.)

In his defense, Shane did also produce the adorable ensemble below this weekend. He looks so cute in his little hat!

{The Daily Dylan will be delayed again this week because these pictures were just too good not to post and Dylan has his 2-month shots this afternoon so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be spending my afternoon cuddling with him to make up for all the poking.}


Megan said...

OH. MY. GOSH. Shane=hilarious. Love it. And, I love your style of writing Jess, you crack me up. Where were you that Shane had "Daily Dylan" responsibilities? out doing something fun and relaxing I hope!

Nat said...

OK, Dylan just keeps getting even more adorable than the first time I saw him. Can I steal him? Or borrow him to take fake family photos with him and Julian? OK, kidding about that last part, but seriously, he is SO CUTE. I love how Shane is dressing him- he gets the award for best new dad ever!!!