Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daily Dylan

This week's daily Dylan is a day late due to the illness that hit our home (that's right, Shane and I are now coming down with begins). Anyway, here are this week's pictures:

February 3

February 3 (I'm pretty sure he went through 4 outfits this day, but I only took pictures twice...)

February 4

February 5 (No pictures because he mostly napped all day)

February 8

February 8

February 9

As you can see, he's remained fairly happy despite being sick...he just needs a lot more love and attention. In fact, here's a little video of him smiling for Shane last night. As an early Valentine's present, Shane got us a new Flip camera. Hopefully this will encourage more videos of baby D.

(Note: There's no need to be concerned about Dylan's breathing...The reason he keeps gasping is Shane likes to blow in his face...)


Megan said...

wierd...sean likes to blow in our cats faces...
Anyways, all the pictures are so super cute! My favorite outfit was Feb. 4th. What a little stud!

Nat said...

The video was adorable!!!! Thanks for sharing. You'll have to let me know your thoughts on the flip- we've been talking about getting one too.