Saturday, February 6, 2010


We're hoping this is how Dylan spends most of his days (and nights) this weekend:

Even if all of his naps need to be taken like this:

Why, you ask? Well, Dylan officially has his first cold. It started as a stuffy nose (which I referred to last week when I took him to the doctor) but it quickly escalated from a minor stuffy nose to a VERY stuffy nose and cough from Thursday evening to Friday afternoon, which led to a very miserable night for Dylan (and Mom and Dad) last night, including throwing up ALL OVER me after a coughing fit. We took him to the doctor this morning and he said Dylan is still breathing really well so all we can do now is treat it like a cold and watch for any additional symptoms of RSV... Hopefully the humidifier, saline drops, nose sucker, and lots of extra love will help him recover quickly!

In other news, they weighed him this morning at the doctors office. He now weighs (drumroll please)...

15 pounds, 11 ounces!

That's right folks. You know your baby is a chunker when even the doctor is making comments about how chubby he is and jokes about putting him on a diet... He has his 2-month visit on Monday (even though we saw the doctor today we figured an appointment on Monday couldn't hurt because if he's worse we'll need to see the doctor and if he's getting better he'll be okay to get his 2 month vaccinations), so hopefully we'll discuss Dylan's eating habits then.

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